The most valuable commodity that anybody can give a scout group is time and we always need somebody to do just that.
Perhaps you’d like to be a leader, administrator or skills instructor?
Why? Being a leader is fun. Everything can go wrong, your best laid plans can fall away but still you and your scouts can have a brilliant night.
Some people do it to add to their CV, others do it to give something back to the community. It is an exciting challenge! Often nights don’t always go to plan but that is part of the fun
So, could you help us?
- None of our Leaders are paid they are all volunteers.
- The majority of our Leaders have full time jobs and a family.
- A large proportion of scout Leaders are female.
- Leaders get involved because they want to have fun and make new friends.
- Leaders don’t have to be ‘superheroes’ who know everything. They are given training on the job and learn new skills as they go along. The one thing that unites our Leaders is the energy and enthusiasm they have for giving young people the adventure of Scouting
- Nearly a third of volunteers help out in Scouting as they are a parent of a current Member. Many were not Scouts when they were young but have learnt new skills and made new friends through Scouting.
- Many of our adult volunteers say they are more confident in their everyday lives as a result of their involvement with Scouting.
- All our Leaders are covered by a comprehensive insurance policy while taking part in Scouting
Please talk to Leanne, send an email to or talk to one of the leaders after a meeting.
Click here for contact details
We’re getting better at fundraising but we need to do more. We are all volunteers here (like every scout group) and we’re looking for some parents who could help us with one or two events every year.
Your help lets us do ever more with the kids.
If you have an idea for a fundraising event please do get in touch.